Prinsip migrasi Thingsboard ke server lain:
- install Thingsboard di server baru, dengan versi sama dengan server asli
- Cek Thingsboard di server baru berjalan normal
- Matikan Thingsboard di server lama dan server baru
- copy database dan file konfigurasi ke server baru
- upload database ke server baru
- timpa konfigurasi di server baru dengan konfigurasi dari server lama
- Nyalakan Thingsboard di server baru
On the first computer, backup the database using postgres dump tool:
pg_dump thingsboard --host=localhost --username postgres -W > thingsboard.dump
Then, backup the /etc/thingsboard/conf directory:
sudo tar cvfz tb.tar.gz /etc/thingsboard/conf/*
Copy thingsboard.dump and tb.tar.gz to the new computer. On the new computer, with a fresh install of Thingsboard as per the posted instructions:
Stop Thingsboard, then:
sudo su postgres
dropdb thingsboard # this removes the database
createdb -T template0 thingsboard
psql thingsboard -U postgres -W < thingsboard.dump
Copy the /etc config files:
cd /
sudo tar xvfz /home/ubuntu/tb.tar.gz
Start Thingsboard.
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