Kategori: keras

  • Simple Image Classification with Keras

    Simple Image Classification with Keras

    Keras logo There are several kind of image classification: Binary classification Multiclass classification Multi label classification Image generation method for training image.ImageGenerator.flow_from_directory() image.ImageGenerator.flow() Various models for training (built on model) Xception VGG16 VGG19 Resnet50 InceptionV3 InceptionResNetV2 MobileNet DenseNet  NASNet MobileNetV2 Keras built in models usually have pre-trained weight on Imagenet, which significantly speeds up training,…

  • Simple Binary Image Classification with Keras

    Simple Binary Image Classification with Keras

    This article is a simple introduction to simple binary classification for images with Keras deep learning library. There are many ways to do image classification with Keras. Here are the detail of this particular implementation: Type of classification: binary classification. Other type of classification will be the focus of other article Dataset used is Dogs…

  • Google Code-In 2017: My Story

    Google Code-In 2017: My Story

    Weeks before GCI (Google Code-In) even started, I keep debating with myself whether to join GCI 2017 or not. I was a GCI 2016 participant and my experience with it was not so good. It was kinda a traumatic experience for me. Long story short, I decided to join. The first thing I have to…

  • Keras Neural Networks and Fabrik

    Keras Neural Networks and Fabrik

    A screenshot of Fabrik I tried to import several keras neural networks  to Fabrik, and this is the result:These are the models I successfully imported: Model Link Fabrik Link https://github.com/anantzoid/VQA-Keras-Visual-Question-Answering http://fabrik.cloudcv.org/caffe/load?id=20180105045732jmyeu https://github.com/LemonATsu/Keras-Image-Caption http://kodu.ut.ee/~leopoldp/2016_DeepYeast/code/caffe_model/ http://fabrik.cloudcv.org/caffe/load?id=20180102135425bzkzy And these are some models I had troubles with: Model Link Successfully Generated the JSON Model? Problem Error Message https://github.com/ykamikawa/SegNet Yes Error…