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Artikel Saintek Umum
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How to make graph like this in Python
I saw a nice graph from posting in
Let’s ask Claude to imitate the graph.
I’ll help you create a similar line graph using Python, primarily using matplotlib with a modern, dark theme that matches the style of the image.
This code creates a graph similar to the one shown in your image. Here are the key features:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Sample data
countries = ['India', 'United States', 'China', 'Brazil', 'United Kingdom',
'Indonesia', 'Japan', 'Germany', 'Russia', 'Canada']
# Create sample data for demonstration
# In reality, you would have your actual data here
years = np.array([2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028])
data = np.array([
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2], # India
[2, 2, 2, 1, 1], # United States
[3, 3, 3, 3, 3], # China
[4, 4, 4, 4, 4], # Brazil
[5, 5, 5, 5, 5], # UK
[8, 6, 6, 6, 6], # Indonesia
[7, 7, 7, 7, 7], # Japan
[9, 8, 8, 8, 8], # Germany
[6, 9, 9, 9, 9], # Russia
[10, 10, 10, 10, 10] # Canada
# Set the style'dark_background')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
# Custom colors for each line
colors = ['#FF69B4', '#9370DB', '#87CEEB', '#90EE90', '#FFD700',
'#FF6347', '#DDA0DD', '#BA55D3', '#ADD8E6', '#98FB98']
# Plot each line
for i, (country, color) in enumerate(zip(countries, colors)):
ax.plot(years, data[i], color=color, linewidth=2, marker='o', markersize=8)
# Add country name at the end of each line
ax.text(years[-1] + 0.1, data[i, -1], country, color=color,
verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10)
# Customize the plot
ax.set_ylim(10.5, 0.5) # Reverse y-axis and add some padding
ax.set_xlim(2024, 2028.5) # Add space for labels on the right
# Set title
plt.title('Projecting the top 10 developers communities\non GitHub 2024-2028',
fontsize=16, pad=20)
# Customize grid
ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.2)
# Customize axes
# Set y-axis ticks
ax.set_yticks(range(1, 11))
# Remove x-axis ticks but keep labels
ax.tick_params(axis='x', length=0)
# Set background color
# Adjust layout
# Show plot
To use this code, you’ll need to have matplotlib installed. You can install it using:
pip install matplotlib
You can modify the data array to match your actual data points. Each row represents a country’s ranking over the years.
The art of writing literature review: What do we know and what do we need to know?
One Billion Row Challenge
The Computer Language Benchmark Game, also known as “The Benchmarks Game” or previously as “The Great Computer Language Shootout,” is a project that compares the performance of different programming languages using a set of benchmark problems. It’s a valuable resource for researchers comparing language performance.
Here are a few papers from recent years that have utilized CLBG:
These papers cover various aspects of the topic, including:
Systematic Review | Literature Review | |
Definition | High-level overview of primary research on a focused question that identifies, selects, synthesizes, and appraises all high quality research evidence relevant to that question | Qualitatively summarizes evidence on a topic using informal or subjective methods to collect and interpret studies |
Goals | Answers a focused clinical question Eliminate bias |
Provide summary or overview of topic |
Question | Clearly defined and answerable clinical question Recommend using PICO as a guide |
Can be a general topic or a specific question |
Components | Pre-specified eligibility criteria Systematic search strategy Assessment of the validity of findings Interpretation and presentation of results Reference list |
Introduction Methods Discussion Conclusion Reference list |
Number of Authors | Three or more | One or more |
Timeline | Months to years Average eighteen months |
Weeks to months |
Requirement | Thorough knowledge of topic Perform searches of all relevant databases Statistical analysis resources (for meta-analysis) |
Understanding of topic |
Value | Connects practicing clinicians to high quality evidence Supports evidence-based practice |
Provides summary of literature on the topic |
Source: Lynn Kysh, What’s in a name? The difference between a Systematic Review and a Literature Review, and why it matters