Menurut berita di harian ‘The Times’ ini, nampaknya ada beberapa ‘pejuang’ asal Inggris yang capek perang di Syria, karena ternyata mereka sibuk memerangi kelompok militan lain sesama muslim.

Dozens of British jihadists have become so disillusioned with fighting in Syria that they have contacted the UK begging to come home.
One jihadist, claiming to represent 30 Britons, approached an intermediary to complain of growing despondency among the men in his group. They had gone to fight against President Assad’s regime but were instead engaged primarily in fierce combat with rival rebel groups, he said.
Menurut sumber berita lain, dikabarkan ratusan orang dari Inggris sudah berangkat ke Syria untuk bergabung dengan pemberontak Syria.
Update: beritanya sudah ke mana-mana sekarang:
- Let us come home, say young British jihadists
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