Pesawat Tempur Murah Textron Scorpion

Textron Airland Scorpion at the 2014 Royal International Air Tattoo

Pesawat tempur murah meriah buatan Textron

Textron Airland Scorpion at the 2014 Royal International Air Tattoo
Textron Airland Scorpion at the 2014 Royal International Air Tattoo

Textron Scorpion

Keuntungan pesawat ini di antaranya adalah harganya yang relatif murah. [REF]

Textron has estimated the Scorpion’s price at under $20 million (compared with about $60 million for a speedier and more sophisticated F-18 Hornet)

Selain harganya murah, ongkos operasionalnya juga murah [REF]:

But another key number is the cost for an hour of flight time, which Anderson estimates at about $3,000 an hour, compared with $15,000 or more for high-end fighters.


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