Studies on Programming Language Energy Efficiency

Recent scientific journals that discuss energy measurement in programming languages include:

  1. “Energy efficiency across programming languages: how do energy, time, and memory relate?” by Pereira et al. (2017) and its follow-up in 2021, which uses the Computer Language Benchmarks Game (CLBG) to compare the energy efficiency of various programming languages ( (
  2. “Ranking programming languages by energy efficiency” by Pereira et al. (2021), which validates the 2017 results using a more “real-world” analysis on a codebase that better represents day-to-day programming problems (
  3. “Analyzing Programming Languages’ Energy Consumption: An Empirical Study” on ResearchGate, which compares the energy consumption of interpreted programming languages like PHP, Ruby, and JavaScript with languages like Swift, R, Perl, and Python (
  4. Analysis of programming languages used in solving energy problems” by Pelagie Flore Temgoua Nanfack et al., which discusses the use of programming languages in energy engineering and identifies C++ and Python as the most used GPLs, with Julia, R, and Matlab as the most prominent DSLs ( (

These studies provide insights into the energy efficiency of various programming languages, focusing on both theoretical benchmarks and practical applications in the field of energy engineering.

20 Pola Pemrograman Dinamis

20 dynamic programming

  1. Fibonacci Sequence
  2. Kadane’s Algorithm
  3. 0/1 Knapsack
  4. Unbounded Knapsack
  5. Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
  6. Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS)
  7. Palindromic Subsequence
  8. Edit Distance
  9. Subset Sum
  10. String Partition
  11. Catalan Numbers
  12. Matrix Chain Multiplication
  13. Count Distinct Ways
  14. DP on Grids
  15. DP on Trees
  16. DP on Graphs
  17. Digit DP
  18. Bitmasking DP
  19. Probability DP
  20. State Machine DP

Komponen di senjata Rusia

Senjata canggih buatan Rusia menggunakan komponen-komponen dari blok barat (Amerika, Eropa, Jepang, dsb)



Recovery Hard Disk dengan ddrescue

Jika ada hard disk yang rusak , untuk proses recovery tahap pertama adalah melakukan copy hard disk rusak itu ke hard disk lain. Setelah itu baru utak-atik hasil copy tersebut.

Proses copy hard disk sector-by-sector yang mudah adalah menggunakan aplikasi ‘ddrescue’ di Ubuntu

Berikut ini perintah untuk menjalankan ddrescue

sudo ddrescue -d -r3 –force /dev/sdc /dev/sdb /home/admin/rescue.log

Masalah unsafe code di CSharp

CSharp 8.0.204

muncul error CS0227: Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe.

Tambah entry berikut ini di file project *.csproj:



Kuliah Pengenalan Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer di MIT
Introduction to Electrical Engineering And Computer Science I
6.01SC | Spring 2011 | Undergraduate
Unit 1: Software Engineering
– State Machines
Unit 2: Signal & Systems
– Signal & Systems
– LTI Signal & Systems
– Characterizing System Performance
– Designing Control Systems
Unit 3: Circuits
– Circuits
– Op-Amps
– Circuit Abstractions
Unit 4: Probability and Planning
– Discrete Probability
– State Estimation
– Search ALgorithms
– Optimizing a Search