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Kode | Nama Barang | Nama Tertulis |
BIA 210 | Mikroslaid Cacing Lumbricus, Usus, p.l. | No ZAN-650.1 Lumbricus t.s. thru. Body showing typhosole |
BIA 215 | Mikroslaid Cacing Lumbricus, Kerongkongan, p.l. | ZAN-550.1 Lumbrcus t.s. of esophagus, just posterior to pharynx |
BIA 301 | Mikroslaid Daphnia, utuh | 1. Daphnia |
BIA 451 | Mikroslaid Epitel Bersisik Sederhana | HET-110.1 SQUAMOUS EPTHELIUM scrapings from human mouth |
BIA 452 | Mikroslaid Epitel Batang Sederhana | HET-150.1 SIMPLE COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM |
BIA 458 | Mikroslaid Sperma, Mammalia, utuh | 3. Sperm mamalia |
BIA 459 | Mikroslaid Trachea | 4. Trachea |
BIM 118 | Mikroslaid Trypanosoma, utuh | 2. Trypanosoma |
BIM 610 | Mikroslaid Penicillium sp., utuh | Pencillium |
BIM 620 | Mikroslaid Aspergillus sp., utuh | Aspergillus sp., utuh |
BIM 810 | Mikroslaid Paramecium sp., utuh | Paramecium sp. , utuh |
BIM 910 | Mikroslaid Spirogyra sp., utuh | Spyrogyra sp, w.m |
BIM 912 | Mikroslaid Diatom, utuh | Diatoms, strewn slide of mixed species |
BIP 102 | Mikroslaid Bryophyta, utuh | 9 Bryophita |
BIP 152 | Mikroslaid Stomata Jagung | Stomata Jagung |
BIP 157 | Mikroslaid Stomata Canna | Stomata Canna |
BMS 23/001 | Mikroslaid Darah Manusia | Human Blood |
BMS 23/002 | Mikroslaid Tulang Rawan | Hyaline Cartilage |
BMS 23/004 | Mikroslaid Batang Dikotil, p.l. | Dicot stem, ts |
BMS 23/005 | Mikroslaid Batang Monokotil, p.l. | Zea Mays Stem, ts |
BMS 23/006 | Mikroslaid Akar Dikotil, p.l. | Dicot root, ts |
BMS 23/007 | Mikroslaid Akar Monokotil, p.l. | Zea Mays Root, ts |
BMS 23/009 | Mikroslaid Pinus mercusii, Gymnospermae, Daun, p.l. | Pinus leaf x.s |
BMS 23/010 | Mikroslaid Helianthus, Batang Dikotil Tua, p.l. | Helianthus old stem t.s |
BMS 23/011 | Mikroslaid Zea mays, Akar Monokotil, p.b. | Zea root, l.s. |
BMS 23/012 | Mikroslaid Akar Monokotil, p.b. | Monocot Root, l.s. |
BMS 23/013 | Mikroslaid Sel Darah Putih Manusia | Leukocyte, Human |
BMS 23/014 | Mikroslaid Epidermis Bawang, Monokotil | Microslide of Onion Epidermic |
BMS 23/015 | Mikroslaid Batang Dikotil, Kacang Tanah, p.l. | Dicot Stem, Peanut, Arachnis sp., c.s. |
BMS 24/01 | Mikroslaid Kaki Belakang Lebah Madu | Honeybee posterior leg |
BMS 24/02 | Mikroslaid Antena Udang | Antena crayfish |
BMS 24/03 | Mikroslaid Sayap Capung | dragonfly wing |
BMS 24/05 | Mikroslaid Bulu Domba | sheep hair |
BMS 24/06 | Mikroslaid Bulu Kelinci | rabbit hair w.m. |
BMS 24/07 | Mikroslaid Bulu Burung | bird feathre |
BMS 24/08 | Mikroslaid Sayap Kupu-kupu | Butterfly wing |
BMS 24/09 | Mikroslaid Sayap Lebah Buah | Drosophila anterior and posterior wings w.m |
BMS 33.00/01 | Mikroslaid Kotak Spora, Pteridophyta | Microslide Sporangium Pteridophyta |
BMS 33.00/02 | Mikroslaid Jamur Mucor, utuh | Mucor, Fungi, w.m. |
BMS 33.00/04 | Mikroslaid Hydra, utuh | Microslide Hydra w.m. |
BMS 46 | Mikroslaid Euglena | Euglena |
BMS 48 | Mikroslaid Chlorella | Chlorella sp. W.m |
BMS 38.00/01 | Mikroslaid Pheretima, Cacing Tanah, p.l. | Pheretima earthworm, ts |
BMS 38.00/02 | Mikroslaid Pheretima, Cacing Tanah, p.b. | Pheretima earthworm, ls |
BMS 38.00/03 | Mikroslaid Cucurbita, Batang Dikotil, p.l. | 3. cucurbita, dicot stem ts |
BMS 38.00/04 | Mikroslaid Cucurbita, Akar Dikotil, p.l. | 4. Cucurbita, dicot root, ts |
BMS 38.00/05 | Mikroslaid Helianthus, Akar Muda, p.l. | 5. Helianthus, dicot young root, ts |
BMS 38.00/06 | Mikroslaid Helianthus, Akar Dikotil Tua, p.l. | 6. Helianthus, dicot old root, ts |
BMS 38.00/07 | Mikroslaid Allium, Ujung Akar Monokotil, p.b. | 7. Allium, monocot root tip, ls |
BMS 38.00/08 | Mikroslaid Zea mays, Akar Monokotil, p.l. | 8. zea mays, monocot root, ts |
BMS 38.00/09 | Mikroslaid Zea mays, Batang Monokotil, p.l. | 9 Zea mays, monocot stem, ts |
BMS 38.00/10 | Mikroslaid Zea mays, Daun Monokotil, p.l. | 10. Zea mays, monocot leaf, ts |
BMS 38.00/11 | Mikroslaid Ficus, Daun Dikotil, p.l. | 11. Ficus dicot leaf, ts |
BMS 38.00/12 | Mikroslaid Lilium, Daun Monokotil, p.l. | 12. Lilium monocot leaf ts |
BMS 32.00/01 | Mikroslaid Lilium, Kepala Sari (Profase Awal, p.l.) | 1. Lilium, Anther (early prophase ts) |
BMS 32.00/02 | Mikroslaid Lilium, Kepala Sari (Profase Akhir, p.l.) | Lilium, anther (late prophase ts) |
BMS 32.00/03 | Mikroslaid Lilium, Kepala Sari (Metafase, p.l.) | Lilium, anther (metahphase ts) |
BMS 32.00/04 | Mikroslaid Lilium, Kepala Sari (Profase Akhir, p.l.) | Lilium, anther (late prophase ts, showing pollen) |
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Group penelitian yang juga mengkaji dinamika pergerakan orang di ibadah Haji: http://www.csai.disco.unimib.it/CSAI/CRYSTALS/
The main focus of the project is on the adoption of an agent-based pedestrian and crowd modeling approach to investigate meaningful relationships between the contributions of anthropology, cultural characteristics and existing results on the research on crowd dynamics, and how the presence of heterogeneous groups influence emergent dynamics in the context of the Hajj and Omrah
Simulasi dengan teknik serupa dapat juga diaplikasikan pada simulasi proses evakuasi tsunami.
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