Kategori: Uncategorized

  • Moonshot Challenge

    Moonshot Challenge

    URL: Fight Earth’s problems with AI & Space Tech COVID-19 ANNOUNCEMENT The AI Moonshot Challenge is based on ambition and curiosity, aiming to leverage the unique capabilities of the AI community using satellite data to accelerate innovation in crucial areas for the future of our planet – starting with marine litter pollution. We believe that…

  • Competition: Procgen and MineRL

    Competition: Procgen and MineRL

    URL: https://openai.com/blog/procgen-minerl-competitions/

  • AIcrowd BLITZ May 2020

    AIcrowd BLITZ May 2020

    AIcrowd challenge: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/aicrowd-blitz-may-2020

  • AIcrowd: Food Recognition Challenge

    AIcrowd: Food Recognition Challenge

    Link: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/food-recognition-challenge Overview Recognizing food from images is an extremely useful tool for a variety of use cases. In particular, it would allow people to track their food intake by simply taking a picture of what they consume. Food tracking can be of personal interest, and can often be of medical relevance as well. Medical…

  • WeatherBench: A benchmark dataset for data-driven weather forecasting

    WeatherBench: A benchmark dataset for data-driven weather forecasting

    Github: https://github.com/pangeo-data/WeatherBench Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.00469 Announcement: https://twitter.com/raspstephan/status/1229272564729614336

  • Snake Species Identification Challenge

    Snake Species Identification Challenge

    URL: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/snake-species-identification-challenge Snakebite is the most deadly neglected tropical disease (NTD), being responsible for a dramatic humanitarian crisis in global health Snakebite causes over 100,000 human deaths and 400,000 victims of disability and disfigurement globally every year. It affects poor and rural communities in developing countries, which host the highest venomous snake diversity and the…

  • Dive into Deep Learning

    Dive into Deep Learning

    Dive into Deep Learning An interactive deep learning book with code, math, and discussions, based on the NumPy interface. https://d2l.ai/

  • IDAO: International Data Analysis Olympiad

    IDAO: International Data Analysis Olympiad

    URL: https://idao.world/ Higher School of Economics and Yandex are proud to announce the 3rd international data analysts olympiad. The event is open to all teams and individuals, be they undergraduate, postgraduate or PhD students, company employees, researchers or new data scientists, . The event aims to bridge the gap between the all-increasing complexity of Machine…

  • Open Cities AI Challenge: Segmenting Buildings for Disaster Resilience

    Open Cities AI Challenge: Segmenting Buildings for Disaster Resilience

    LINK: https://www.drivendata.org/competitions/60/building-segmentation-disaster-resilience/

  • DrivenData: Hakuna Ma-data: Identify Wildlife on the Serengeti with AI for Earth

    DrivenData: Hakuna Ma-data: Identify Wildlife on the Serengeti with AI for Earth

    Link: https://www.drivendata.org/competitions/59/camera-trap-serengeti/ Overview Leverage millions of images of animals on the Serengeti to build a classifier that distinguishes between gazelles, lions, and more! In this competition, participants will predict the presence and species of wildlife in new camera trap data from the Snapshot Serengeti project, which boasts over 6 million images. Camera traps are motion-triggered…