lvcreate -L 1000G -n data_volume2 ubuntu-vg
mkfs.xfs /dev/ubuntu-vg/data_volume2
mount /dev/ubuntu-vg/data_volume2 /data
Mengaktifkan Nomor XL Hangus Secara Daring/Online
Sekarang dalam masa pandemi ini, XL menyediakan layanan mengaktifkan nomor yang hangus secara daring tanpa harus datang ke kantor XL.
Langkah-langkah resmi dari XL dapat dilihat disini.

Ini adalah pengalaman saya mengaktifkan nomor XL yang hangus.
Setelah membuka e-form dan memilih layanan reaktivasi kartu, pihak XL meminta data nomor yang ingin diaktifkan:

Setelah itu, seperti yang sudah disebutkan pada petunjuk pada halaman resmi, e-form tadi meminta data diri, KTP dan Kartu Keluarga, sesuai dengan yang didaftarkan ketika nomor XL pertama kali diaktifkan. Dan jangan lupa nomor HP untuk video call. Pastikan nomor ini dapat melakukan video call karena pihak XL akan mengkonfirmasi pelanggan melalui video call, misalnya melalui whatsapp.
E-form tadi juga meminta 19 digit angka yang terletak dibelakang kartu XL yang ingin diaktifkan.
Selain itu, walaupun tidak tertera pada laman resmi, e-form juga akan meminta foto kartu XL tersebut, foto KTP dan juga foto diri beserta KTP.
Setelah semua data diunggah, dalam jangka waktu kalau tidak salah 48 jam, pihak XL akan menghubungi nomor yang dimasukkan untuk video call, dan akan segera melakukan video call jika pelanggan siap. Pihak XL akan meminta pelanggan menunjukkan KTP. Setelah itu, pihak XL akan mengaktifkan nomor dalam jangka waktu beberapa jam.
Setelah nomor aktif, pelanggan akan diminta mengisi pulsa, dan nomor XL akan siap digunakan kembali. Jika nomor masih tidak dapat digunakan, cobalah men-restart HP.
CommonLit Readability Prize: Resources
Competition Information
- Competition Name: CommonLit Readability Prize
- URL:
- Linguistic Features for Readability Assessment – Readability assessment aims to automatically classify text by the level appropriate for learning readers.
- Text as Environment: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Text Readability Assessment Model
- Learning to Predict Readability using Diverse Linguistic Features – In this paper we consider the problem of building a system to predict readability of natural-language documents.
- A Machine Learning Approach to Measurement of Text Readability for EFL Learners Using Various Linguistic Features
- Readability Assessment for Text Simplification – We describe a readability assessment approach to support the process of text simplification for poor literacy readers. Given an input text, the goal is to predict its readability level, which corresponds to the literacy level that is expected from the target reader: rudimentary, basic or advanced.
- Integrating LSA-based hierarchical conceptual space and machine learning methods for leveling the readability of domain-specific texts – Text readability assessment is a challenging interdisciplinary endeavor with rich practical implications. It has long drawn the attention of researchers internationally, and the readability models since developed
have been widely applied to various fields. Previous readability models have only made use of linguistic features employed for general text analysis and have not been sufficiently accurate when used to gauge domain-specific texts. - Deep Learning for Prominence Detection in Children’s Read Speech – A previous well-tuned random forest ensemble predictor is replaced by an RNN sequence classifier to exploit potential context dependency across the longer utterance. Further, deep learning is applied to obtain word-level features from low-level acoustic contours of fundamental frequency, intensity and spectral shape in an end-to-end fashion. Performance comparisons are presented across the different feature types and across different feature learning architectures for prominent word prediction to draw insights wherever possible.
- Crossley, S. A., Skalicky, S., & Dascalu, M. (2019). Moving beyond classic readability formulas: New methods and new models. Journal of Research in Reading, 42 (3-4), 541-561
- Crossley, S. A., Skalicky, S., Dascalu, M., McNamara, D., & Kyle, K. (2017). Predicting text comprehension, processing, and familiarity in adult readers: New approaches to readability formulas. Discourse Processes, 54(5-6), 340-359.
- Crossley, S. A., Greenfield, J., & McNamara, D. S. (2008). Assessing text readability using cognitively based indices. TESOL Quarterly, 42 (3), 475-493.
- Crossley, S. A., Dufty, D. F., McCarthy, P. M., & McNamara, D. S. (2007). Toward a new readability: A mixed model approach. In D.S. McNamara and G. Trafton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 197-202). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
- ReadNet: A Hierarchical Transformer Framework forWeb Article Readability Analysis [arxiv] [paperswithcode]
Hierarchical Transformer Network - Supervised and Unsupervised Neural Approaches to Text Readability [paperswithcode]
BERT - Linguistic Features for Readability Assessment [paperswithcode]
BERT + SVM - Text Readability Assessment for Second Language Learners [paperswithcode]
Related Competition
Conventional Tools
External Data
Plant Pathology 2021 – FGVC8 Competition: Resources
Official link:
Previous Competition
Related Competition
Papers on Plant Image Detection
- Zhigang Dai, Bolun Cai, Yugeng Lin, Junying Chen, UP-DETR: Unsupervised Pre-training for Object Detection with Transformers – The model is pre-trained to detect these query patches from the original image. During the pre-training, we address two critical issues: multi-task learning and multi-query localization. (1) To trade-off multi-task learning of classification and localization in the pretext task, we freeze the CNN backbone and propose a patch feature reconstruction branch which is jointly optimized with patch detection. (2) To perform multi-query localization, we introduce UP-DETR from single-query patch and extend it to multi-query patches with object query shuffle and attention mask.
- Strawberry Detection Using a Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Platform.
This paper proposes using the You Only Look Once version 3 (YOLOv3) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in combination with utilising image processing techniques for the application of precision farming robots targeting strawberry detection, accelerated on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform. The results show a performance acceleration by five times when implemented on a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) when compared with the same algorithm running on the processor side with an accuracy of 78.3\% over the test set comprised of 146 images. - Cream of the Crop: Distilling Prioritized Paths For One-Shot Neural Architecture Search – We introduce the concept of prioritized path, which refers to the architecture candidates exhibiting superior performance during training.
- Bag of Freebies for Training Object Detection Neural Networks [paperswithcode]
In this works, we explore training tweaks that apply to various models including Faster R-CNN and YOLOv3. These tweaks do not change the model architectures, therefore, the inference costs remain the same. Our empirical results demonstrate that, however, these freebies can improve up to 5% absolute precision compared to state-of-the-art baselines. - MMDetection: Open MMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark [github]
MMDetection is an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project. - YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection [github]
- Cascade R-CNN: Delving into High Quality Object Detection, Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018
- EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection [github]
- Cascade Mask R-CNN)CBNet: A Novel Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection
- Image Processing Based Detection of Fungal Diseases in Plants, ICICT 2014
- Applications of Computer Vision in Plant Pathology: A Survey, Arch Computat Methods Eng 27, 611–632 (2020).
Penyebab tembaga kabel otomatis air jadi hitam
Kabel tembaga dapat mengalami oksidasi, yaitu tembaga bereaksi dengan oksigen membentuk senyawa tembaga oksida.
Tembaga oksida memiliki warna hijau, namun lama kelamaan dapat menjadi hitam.

Berikut ini perbandingan parameter-parameter penting SSD NVMe dengan kapasitas 1 TB, dengan interface M.2.

Tipe-tipe yang dipilih pada tabel berikut ini adalah yang tersedia di pasaran pada bulan April 2021.
Data terutama diperoleh dari situs resmi pabrikan masing-masing SSD. Beberapa produk tidak menyertakan TBW (Terabytes Written) di situsnya, sehingga data TBW perlu dicari dari situs review terkait.
Pabrikan | Tipe | Harga | Read / Write |
TBW | Harga/TBW |
Garansi |
V-Gen | SSD M.2 NVme 1TB – Hyper Series | 2179000 | 3500 / 2500 | 640 [REF] | 3404 | 3 tahun |
Team | TM8FPE001T0C611 | 2227000 | 2100 / 1700 | 600 [REF] | 3711 | 3 tahun |
Team | TM8FP4001T0C101 | 2237000 | 3400 / 2900 | 1660 | 1347 | 3 tahun |
Corsair | MP600 Core 1 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe Gen. 4 x4 SSD | 2789000 | 4700 / 1950 | 225 [REF] | 12395 | 5 tahun |
Corsair | Force Series Gen.4 PCIe MP600 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD | 4109000 | 4950 / 4250 | 1800 [REF] | 2282 | |
Kingston | A2000 M.2 PCIe NVMe 1TB | 2128000 | 2200 / 2000 | 600 | 3546 | |
WDC | Black SN850 SSD 1TB M.2 NVMe PCIe / SSD 1TB | 4140000 | 7000 / 5300 | 600 [REF] | 6900 | |
WDC | Black SN750 NVMe SSD M.2 N SSD 1TB | 3130000 | 3470 / 3000 | 600 [REF] | 5216 | |
WDC | Blue SN550 NVMe SSD 1TB M.2 PCIe | 1893000 | 2400 / 1950 | 600 [REF] | 3155 | |
ADATA | SX6000 Lite 1TB | 1694000 | 1800 / 1200 | 480 [REF] | 3529 | 5 tahun |
ADATA | SX6000 PRo 1TB | 1729000 | 2100 / 1500 | 480 [REF] | 3602 | 5 tahun |
Transcend | TS1TMTE112S NVMe PCIe Gen3 x4 M.2 1TB / SSD 1TB | 2010000 | 1700/1400 | 400 | 5025 | 5 tahun |
Transcend | TS1TMTE110S NVMe PCIe Gen3 x4 M.2 1TB | 2020000 | 1700 / 1400 | 400 | 5050 | 5 tahun |
Teknik Pemasangan Sel Surya / Photovoltaic
Berikut ini beberapa teknik pemasangan sel surya:
- Ground mounting photovoltaic: sel surya dipasang di permukaan tanah
- Rooftop: sel surya dipasang di atap rumah
- Floating phovotoltaic: sel surya diapungkan di permukaan air
- BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic): sel surya yang terintegrasi secara langsung dengan suatu bangunan
- Agrivoltaic: Sel surya yang dipasang terintegrasi dengan pertanian.
Ground Mounting Photovoltaic
Rooftop Photovoltaic
Floating Photovoltaic
BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic)
Model Bisnis Semikonduktor

Berikut ini model-model bisnis perusahaan semikonduktor di dunia pada saat ini (2021):
- IDM (Integrated Device Manufacturer)
- Foundry
- Fabless
Fabless adalah perusahaan semikonduktor yang membuat dan menjual produk berbasis komponen semikonduktor, namun tidak melakukan fabrikasi sendiri komponen semikonduktornya. Komponen semikonduktor dibuat di pabrik lain (foundry).
Contoh perusahaan yang melakukan fabless:
- Qualcomm
- Nvidia
- Mediatek
Integrated Device Manufacturer (IDM)
IDM (Integrated Device Manufacturer) adalah perusahaan semikonduktor yang melakukan desain (perancangan), manufakturing (fabrikasi) dan menjual produk rangkaian terintegrasi (IC/Integrated Circuit)
Contoh perusahaan yang melakukan IDM:
Foundry adalah perusahaan semikonduktor yang melakukan fabrikasi produk semikonduktor saja.
Contoh perusahaan yang melakukan proses foundry:
- TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company)
- UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation)
- SMIC (Semiconductor Manufacturing Internal Corporation)
- Global Foundries
Contoh perusahaan yang melakukan kombinasi model bisnis:
- Samsung melakukan IDM dan foundry
- Texas Instruments, Broadcomm, Infineon, STM melakukan IDM dan fabless
Pada saat ini Intel melakukan IDM, namun ke depannya ada rencana masuk ke foundry juga seperti Samsung
- Integrated Device Manufacturer
- Foundry Model
- Fabless Manufacturing
- Intel
- Global Foundries
- UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation
- Kioxia
- SK Hynix
- Micron
- Broadcomm
- Infineon
- EPROM chip
Vaksin Nusantara
Kumpulan referensi tentang Vaksin Nusantara
- AV-COVID-19 (nama resmi Vaknus)
- Di sistem informasi pemerentah AS
- “Adu Produk RI Lawan Corona: Vaksin Nusantara vs Merah Putih”…/adu-produk-ri-lawan…/1
- Abaikan BPOM, Terawan Pakai Politikus demi Jualan Vaksin Nusantara”…
- “Hasil Inspeksi BPOM: Fasilitas Produksi Vaksin Nusantara Tak Steril”…/hasil-inspeksi-bpom-fasilitas…
- “Penjelasan BPOM Mengapa Vaksin Nusantara Belum Layak Ditindaklanjuti”…/penjelasan-bpom-mengapa…
- “UGM Mundur dari Penelitian Vaksin Nusantara Gagasan Terawan”…/ugm-mundur-dari…
- “Vaksin Nusantara Diujikan ke DPR, Pakar UGM Jelaskan Peran Krusial BPOM”…/vaksin-nusantara…/full&view=ok
- Kontroversi Vaksin Nusantara Terawan Hingga Disetop Sementara”…/kontroversi-vaksin…/2
- Alasan Vaksin Nusantara Tak Masuk Konsorsium Terungkap”…/alasan-vaksin-nusantara…
- Mengenal AIVITA Biomedical Inc, Perusahaan AS yang Kembangkan Vaksin Nusantara”…/mengenal-aivita-biomedical…/full
- Profil Aivita Biomedical, Mitra Terawan Kembangkan Vaksin Nusantara”…/profil-aivita-biomedical…/1
- Aivita Biomedical
- PT Rama Emerald Multi Sukses
- Perusahaan Obat Ini Bikin Geram Tim Patroli Air Jatim”…/
- DLH Gresik Dinilai Lamban Tangani PT Rama Emerald Multi Sukses”…/dlh-gresik-dinilai-lamban…
- Uji Laboratorium Air Limbah PT Rama Emerald Multi Sukses di Bawah Baku Mutu”…/uji-laboratorium-air…
- Vaksin Nusantara, Hasil Kerjasama Kemenkes dengan RSUP dr Kariadi dan Undip, Berikut Kelebihannya
Standar Ventilasi Untuk Mengatasi Penularan COVID-19
Salah satu media penularan penyakit COVID-19 adalah melalui virus yang terlarut di udara sebagai aerosol.
Partikel virus yang besar (droplet) akan cepat jatuh dan menempel ke permukaan. Untuk mencegah penularan dari partikel ini ini dapat dilakukan hal berikut:
- mencuci tangan dengan sabun atau hand sanitizer
- tidak menyentuh wajah dengan tangan
- membunuh virus dengan cahaya ultraviolet,
- membunuh virus dengan desinfektan anti virus
Untuk mengurangi penularan melalui aerosol ini dapat menggunakan antara lain:
- masker wajah (face-mask)
- Penyaringan udara dengan saringan HEPA atau pembersih udara lainnya.
- penyinaran udara dengan cahaya ultra violet
- Ventilasi ruangan yang baik, supaya konsentrasi virus rendah
Standar ventilasi antara lain dikeluarkan oleh WHO (World Health Organization) dan CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
Standar di Belgia [sumber]
- Level A: a CO2 concentration lower than 900 ppm (parts per million). Ventilation and/or air purification must therefore be provided at a rate of at least 40 m³ per hour per person.
- Level B: a CO2 concentration lower than 1,200 ppm or a ventilation flow of at least 25 m³ per hour per person.
Referensi Jurnal
- Lawrence J. Schoen, Guidance for Building Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, ASHRAE Journal, May 2020
- Hidekazu Nishimura, Analysis of bactericidal material generated by electrical devices advertising bactericidal ability against bacteria on the agar gel plates, PubMed
Referensi Artikel
- J W Tang, Covid-10 has redefined airborne transmission, BMJ 2021;373;n913
- _____, Roadmap to improve and ensure good indoor ventilation in the context of COVID-19, World Health Organization, 2021
- _____, EPA: Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home, United States Environmental Protection Agency
- _____, Ventilation in Buildings, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Achieve cleaner indoor air with Sharp’s Plasmacluster Ion and unique Airflow Technology
- Open Letter to address the use of Electronic Air Cleaning Equipment in Buildings
- COVID-19 Healthy Buildings
- _____, Aerosol hot spot study within healthcare environments, Victorian Health BUilding Authority, 2021
- Bars, cinemas,gyms: Belgium agrees on ‘ventilation plan’ for public spaces